Milkline is proud to announce the start-up of a new "state of the art" milking parlour. The system will milk 400 dairy cows in Racconigi, in the Cuneo area, at the Monetti farm.
With 15+15 milking stalls on a parallel line, this parlour guarantees a proper and quick milking thanks to the MILPRO P4C, the unique and technologically advanced Milkline’s milking system that allows quarter-based control and management of the milking process and that actively prevent onset of mastitis.
The milking parlour is complete with the special crowd-gate, which allows to automatically drive the cows to the milking parlour entrance without stress and in total respect of the animal, so reducing the time necessary for the access of cows to the parlour.
We congratulate our local dealer "Euro service" for the perfect installation of this important milking system and we thank all those farmers that everyday choose Milkline.
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