
3+3 herringbone parlour for jenny donkeys

Milkline and Mangini Zootecnia, in collaboration with the University of Bari, have developed an advanced milking system for Martina Franca donkeys, usually milked by hand or using the bucket and only in the presence of the foal.

The Milkline milking parlour installed is specially designed to allow the milking of animals without the presence of the foal and the correct positioning at the milking point thanks to the pneumatic front barrier.

The ML / MF milking cluster with large capacity claw combined with the SG milking system guarantee fast and efficient milking.
The FFS30 sensor, extremely robust and compact with infrared technology ensures precise and timely detection of milk flow.
Given the low production of these animals, the milk pump is equipped with the drive that guarantees the best performance based on the real needs of the milking system.

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